For the last three years, I have been participating in my local Relay for Life. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society's signature fundraising event. It is an overnight event that teams raise money for leading up to and the night of supporting cancer research and programs with the American Cancer Society.
Did you know that half of all men and one-third of all women in the US will develop cancer in their lifetime? Its true. Cancer sucks!!
Which is why, I am doing my part in shutting up cancer. I am tired of seeing it, hearing it, knowing of it...I am done with it. Today is the kick off event for my local Relay and we are kicking it off with a bang!! I am so excited, one could be I guess holding an outdoor event in 6 degree weather. This years Relay I am the Survivorship committee chair, co-chair of activities and entertainment as well as co-captain of our team, Marga-Relayville. Needless to say, from now until April 15-16...I am a busy busy gal, that's ok...someone needs to do it, might as well be a slightly bossy, somewhat perfectionist, has to be in control at all times, lovely blonde Okie girl, like me : ) I am sure...actually I KNOW you will be seeing more info on this event in the
Your passion and incredible work ethic toward this cause is inspiring! Here's to a successful 2011 Relay "season". :)
Thank you so much for donating and for your sweet comment. love you!!
Yes, you can also donate on my behalf too. I'm co-captain of the team, co-captain of entertainment and accounting chair. That's about it. Cancer sucks so let's help end it and celebrate birthdays!!!!!
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