Gooood Morning y'all.
Hope every one's weekend was wonderful...I had a fun but relaxing weekend....first off, on Friday I went to see my future husband, Jake Owen. O.M.G....I knew he was hott, but in person he's like 10x as hott.
True. Story.
These pictures don't really do him justice and they are kinda blurry...because I like to dance and it's apparent dancing and trying to take pictures at the same time do not go hand in hand.
Saturday my mom and I had a spa day. I made us some homemade face masks from Avocado and honey...I think they were supposed to look like this
but ours looked nothing like that...I may have used to much honey and not enough avocado. All in all though it worked pretty well, our faces were very smooth afterwards.
We dipped our hands in paraffin wax. That stuff is is a DIY recipe for it
- 1 block paraffin wax (about 4 oz), you can find this in the canning sections of your local grocery store.
- an ounce of oil
- 20 drops of essential oil... lavender is rather nice
- a few drops of olive oil or coconut oil (you will use this to coat your hands)
- a casserole dish, greased with oil
- plastic sandwich bags
I bought two new nail polish color's this weekend...I am in the springy color mood...
Essie, Cute as a button
and then Essie's Turquoise and Caicos
Also got a new Keurig flavor this weekend...which is in the cup you see in the background, Caramel Drizzle...that stuff is the Seriously.
After I took this picture I then proceeded to knock my cup over and spilled half of it.
Which is nothing out of the ordinary for me, I spill everything.
Sunday my mom and I went and saw, "This means war"
Adorable movie...I loved it, I mean who doesn't love Reese Witherspoon? If I was dating two CIA agents who looked they did, I certainly wouldn't complain.
All in all, I would say I had a great weekend.
Also...a little breaking news...I have 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!
Woo hoo!!
I think this calls for a giveaway, no?
I'll be thinking of some ideas.
Much love!