Friday, February 3, 2012

I'm rambling somewhere else today

Hello there! It's favorite day of the week.

Today you can find me over at my dear sweet friend Miss Jodie's blog...she just celebrated her one year blogging anniversary just like me. So, if you will go on over there and tell her will love her. She is the sweetest lady...oh and she is a fellow Okie as well....gotta loves us Oklahoma girls.

My Photo

In other news...tonight I am going to go see one of my favorite bands, Randy Rogers Band...they play Texas country or Red Dirt music.

Love them, there songs always remind of college...and you all know I like to re-live my college days.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!



  1. Thanks, so much for posting on my blog!! You're the best!!

    Have fun at the concert!! I have another friend that is going to see them tonight!

  2. Hi there!! Here from Jodie's blog and wanted to come say hello and meet you.

    I had to chuckle when you said getting up in the middle of the night, falling through the toilet,etc. HA--- this sounds like a personal testimony. :)
    -- and so true.

    Have a great time at your concert.

  3. Oh i'm going to check it out! yay for guest posting! have fun this weekend!

  4. I like that you're both Oklahoma girls and your blog title says blonde and her blog title says brunette AND you both began blogging at around the same time. It's like you are fate blog friends.

  5. I'll be the mug: There's a difference between Texas and Oklahoma music? Not trying to be smart; just genuinely curious!


I love my fellow bloggers and I am always happy to hear from y'all. Thanks for stopping by! xoxo