Thursday, February 9, 2012

If I had a farm

If Blonde Oklahoma girl had a farm....E-I-E-I-O on that farm she would have....

A pink tractor

John Deere Pink!


with a tea cup pig here...

I've tried so hard to convince my mom to let me get a tea cup pig..

and a tea cup pig there....E-I-E-I-O

tea cup pig

two mini horses here....E-I-E-I-O

Everywhere a mini goat....E-I-E-I-O

With a fancy chicken here...everywhere a fancy chick...


Oh if Blonde Oklahoma girl had a farm....complete with her own Marlboro Man....

Marlboro Man-Sorry Ree!
(Marlboro man picture courtesy of the Pioneer Woman)




  1. E I E I O....i think the meds have kicked in. LOL...

  2. oh me toooooo! i'd so buy that pink tractor! i'm in love with it!

  3. This is too cute! The chickens remind me of Tori Spelling because she has one that she carries around with her. Tooo funny!

  4. oh, yes yes yes. me and my boo would kill for a farm life! i'm a city girl born and raised but he has me wanting to change my ways. love all the littles in the pictures. so presh!

  5. Oh how I love you, your blog, and posts like this! Love those fancy chickens remember the one that your brother had!


  6. SO adorable! SO true. TEA CUP PIG!

  7. Those little piggies are so ridiculously cute! I die! Love the pink tractor too!

  8. Completely obsessed with your blog now! I want a farm like this too one day! By the way, I love the name of your blog... one of my favorite Miranda songs! I am your newest follower!

  9. Where in the name of cookie monster did you get a picture of a pink tractor?!?


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